
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Improving Safety: Programs vs. People
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
The last several times I have asked clients what they are doing to make workers safer, they answered with a list of safety programs. There is an underlying assumption that programs can shape people. While training, meetings, onboarding and communication are definitely influences on behavioral choices, they are far from the only ones.
I have witnessed situations in which such programs were doing mortal battle with the workplace, the culture, production pressure and other powerful daily factors which influenced workers to take risks. The poor programs were outnumbered and overpowered. These other influences were not being addressed in the safety efforts except through trying to strengthen the programs.
The recent emphasis and popularity of focusing on safety “culture” is, in part, an admission that people-to-people influences are important and must be addressed. However, most organizations attempt to improve the safety culture by using what? MORE PROGRAMS! Again, this assumption that programs shape people and even the way people shape each other.
Many organizations are attempting to program the seeds of culture while ignoring the climate and chemistry in which they want the seeds to grow. Exactly the opposite approach is what most often brings success. People respond to the environment in which they work which includes physical design, leadership, supervision style, respect for lifestyle issues, and being treated like an adult.
For a brief moment, forget what your programs should be and focus on what your people should be. What influences will make them feel good about becoming such a person and how can you create these influences in your organization?
-Terry L. Mathis
Terry L. Mathis is the founder and CEO of ProAct Safety, an international safety and performance excellence firm. He is known for his dynamic presentations in the fields of behavioral and cultural safety, leadership, and operational performance, and is a regular speaker at ASSE, NSC, and numerous company and industry conferences. EHS Today listed Terry as a Safety Guru in ‘The 50 People Who Most Influenced EHS in 2010, 2011 and 2012-2013. He has been a frequent contributor to industry magazines for over 15 years and is the coauthor of STEPS to Safety Culture Excellence, 2013, WILEY.