Monday Jul 25, 2011
191 - Seeing Risk Through A New Lens
Monday Jul 25, 2011
Monday Jul 25, 2011
Greetings, this podcast recorded while working in Paris, France. This week I’d like to share an article I wrote that was published in May 2011 by Canadian Occupational Safety. It was titled, “Seeing Risk Through A New Lens?” The article can either be found by visiting the magazine’s website at www.COS-MAG.com or under Insights at www.ProActSafety.com.
We have received requests for older podcasts that are no longer available for download on this website. We are looking into why these old podcasts are not able to be accessed. It appears the application expires some of these once they reach a certain age. Even podcasts can have an age complex!
Soon to address this, we will start making some of these older podcasts available through a small purchase that can cover our costs to provide them on a CD or memory stick and ship to your location.
I hope you enjoy the podcast this week. If you would like to download or play on demand our other podcasts, please visit the ProAct Safety’s podcast website at: http://www.safetycultureexcellence.com
Have a great week!
Shawn M. Galloway
ProAct Safety, Inc